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The Geomechanics Of A Shale Play: What Makes A Shale Prospective!
Horizontal Well Completion, Stimulation Optimization, And Risk Mitigation
Defining Horizontal Well Objectives In Tight And Unconventional Gas Reservoirs
Reservoir Engineering & Petrophysics
Smith, M. B., Bale, A. B., Britt, L. K., Cunningham, L. E., Jones, J. R., Klein, H. K., and Wiley, R. P.: ”An Investigation of Non-Darcy Flow Effects On Hydraulic Fractured Oil and Gas Well Performance,” paper SPE 90864 prepared for presentation at the 2004 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in Houston, TX, 26-29 September 2004.
Britt, L. K., Jones, J. R., Heidt, H., Adil, I., Kelly, P. Sparkes, D., and Collin, B.:”M. B., Haddad, Z., Reese, J. L., and Kelly, P: ”Application of After Closure Analysis Techniques To Determine Permeability in Tight Formation Gas reservoirs,” paper SPE 90865 prepared for presentation at the 2004 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in Houston, TX, 26-29 September 2004.
Chipperfield, S.T. and Britt, L.K.: “Application of After-Closure Analysis for Improved Fracture Treatment Optimization: A Cooper Basin Case Study,” paper SPE 60316 prepared for presentation at the 2000 SPE Rocky Mountain Regional/Low Permeability Reservoirs Symposium held in Denver, CO, 12-15 March 2000.
Ispas, I.N., Britt, L.K., Tiab, D., Valko, P., and Economides, M.J.: “Methodology of Fluid Leak-off Analysis in High-Permeability Fracturing,” paper SPE 39476 presented at the 1998 International Symposium on Formation Damage Control.
Smith, M. B., Bale, A., Britt, L. K., Hainey, B. W., Klein, H. K.: “Enhanced 2D Proppant Transport Simulation: The Key to Understanding Proppant Flowback and Post Fracture Productivity,” paper SPE 38610 prepared for presentation at the 1997 Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition.
Britt, L.K., Pardini, R., and Plum, G.L.: ”Automated Data Collection System, Clayton (Prairie du Chien) Field,” paper SPE presented at the 1989 Regional Conference.
Britt, L.K., Jones, J.R., Pardini, R., and Plum, G.L. : ”Development of a Reservoir Description Through Interference Testing of the Clayton Field Prairie du Chien Formation” paper SPE 19846 presented at the 1989 Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition.
Britt, L.K., Agarwal, R. G., and Carter, R.D.: “Optimized Oil Well Fracturing of Moderate Permeability Reservoirs,” paper SPE 14371 presented at the 1985 Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition.
Britt, L.K., and Bennett, C.O.:” Determination of Fracture Conductivity in Moderate Permeability Reservoirs Using Bilinear Flow Concepts,” paper SPE 14165 presented at the 1985 Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition.
Rock & GeoMechanics
Britt, L.K. and Schoeffler, J.:”The Geomechanics Of A Shale Play: What Makes A Shale Prospective?” paper SPE 125525 presented at the 2009 Eastern Regional Meeting held in Charleston, West Virginia, September 23-25.
Britt, L. K., Smith, M. B., Haddad, Z., Reese, J. L., and Kelly, P.: ”Rotary Sidewall Cores-A Cost Effective Means of Determining Young’s Modulus,” paper SPE 90861 prepared for presentation at the 2004 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in Houston, TX, 26-29 September 2004.
Smith, M. B., Bale, A.B., Britt, L. K., and Klein, H.H.: ”Layered Modulus Effects on Fracture Propagation, Proppant Placement, and Fracture Modelling,” paper SPE 71654 prepared for presentation at the 2001 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in New Orleans, Louisiana, 30 September-3 October 2001.
Smith, M. B., Bale, A.B., Britt, L. K., Hainey, B. W., and Klein, H.K.: “Enhanced 2D Proppant Transport Simulation: The key to Understanding Proppant Flowback and Post Frac Productivity,” paper SPE 69211, SPE Production and Facilities, Vol. 16, No. 1, February, 2001, pgs 50-57.
Britt, L.K., Hager, C.J., Thompson, J. W.: “Hydraulic Fracturing in a Naturally Fractured Reservoir,” paper SPE 28717 presented at the 1994 Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition.
Hydraulic Fracturing: Frac-Packs
Britt, L.K., Smith, M.B., Cunningham, L.E., Waters, F., Dannish, G.A., Lachance, D., and Mackow, H.M.: “Frac-Packing High Permeability Sands in the Mahogany Field, Offshore Trinidad,” paper SPE 63105 prepared for presentation at the SPE Production and Operations Symposium held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 24-27 March 2001.
Tiffin, D.L., King, G. E., larese, R.E., and Britt, L. K.: “New Criteria for Gravel and Screen Selection for Sand Control,” paper SPE 49437 prepared for presentation at the 1998 Formation Damage Control Conference, February 18-19, 19, Lafayette, LA.
Ennis, B.K. and Britt, L.K.: “Tip Screenout Designs in Low Permeability North Sea Chalk Reservoir,” paper SPE 28493 presented at the 1994 Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition.
Hydraulic Fracturing: Horizontal Wells
Britt, L.K., Jones, J.R., and Miller, W.K. II:”Defining Horizontal Well Objectives In Tight and Unconventional Gas Reservoirs,” paper CSUG/SPE 137839 presented at the Canadian Unconventional Resources and International Petroleum Conference held in Calgary, Alberta Canada, October 19-21, 2010.
Britt, L.K. and Smith, M.B.:”Horizontal Well Completion, Stimulation, Optimization, and Risk Mitigation,” paper SPE 125526 presented at the 2009 Eastern Regional Meeting held in Charleston, West Virginia, September 23-25.
Hydraulic Fracturing: Tight & Unconventional Gas Wells
Britt, L.K., Jones, J.R., and Miller, W.K. II:”Defining Horizontal Well Objectives In Tight and Unconventional Gas Reservoirs,” paper CSUG/SPE 137839 presented at the Canadian Unconventional Resources and International Petroleum Conference held in Calgary, Alberta Canada, October 19-21, 2010.
Britt, L.K. and Smith, M.B.:”Horizontal Well Completion, Stimulation, Optimization, and Risk Mitigation,” paper SPE 125526 presented at the 2009 Eastern Regional Meeting held in Charleston, West Virginia, September 23-25.
Britt, L. K., Smith, M. B., Haddad, Z., Lawrence, P., Chipperfield, S., and Helman, T.:”Water-fracs: We Do Need Proppant Afterall,” paper SPE 102227 prepared for presentation at the 2006 Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition in San Antonio, TX, Sept. 24-27.
Britt, L. K., Smith, M. B., Haddad, Z., Lawrence, P.:”A Multi-Disciplinary Approach in the South Texas Wilcox Formation,” paper SPE 102226 prepared for presentation at the 2006 Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition in San Antonio, TX, Sept. 24-27.
Britt, L.K., Smith, M.B., Cunningham, L.E., Hellman, T.J., Zinno, R.J., and Urbancic, T.I.: ”Fracture Optimization and Design Via the Integration of Hydraulic Fracture Imaging and Fracture Modeling: East Texas Cotton Valley,” paper SPE 67205 prepared for presentation at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in Dallas, Texas, 1-4 October 2000.
Reese, J.L., Britt, L.K., and Jones, J.R. :”Selecting Economic Re-fracturing Candidates,” paper SPE 28490 presented at the 1994 Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition.
Krus, G. H., Haley, K., Britt, L. K., Benson, R. H., England, K. W., Holt, R., Piskurich, N. C., and Woodruff, R. A.: “Strategic Alliance, Multidisciplinary Teamwork Enhance Field Development in Cotton Valley Trend”, Oil and Gas Journal (Mar. 31, 1997), 43-54.
Hydraulic Fracturing: HTHP Reservoirs
Britt, L. K., Smith, M. B., Haddad, Z., Lawrence, P.:”A Multi-Disciplinary Approach in the South Texas Wilcox Formation,” paper SPE 102226 prepared for presentation at the 2006 Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition in San Antonio, TX, Sept. 24-27.
Hydraulic Fracturing: Oil Reservoirs
Ennis, B.K. and Britt, L.K.: “Tip Screenout Designs in Low Permeability North Sea Chalk Reservoir,” paper SPE 28493 presented at the 1994 Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition.
Britt, L.K. and Larsen, M.J.: “Fracture Characterization of a Multi-layered Reservoir,” paper SPE 15511 presented at the 1986 Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition.
Hydraulic Fracturing: Fracture Clean-Up
Neghaban, S., Britt, L. K., Phenicie, T. H., and Nolte, K. G.: “The Effect of Yield Stress on Fracture Fluid Cleanup: Inclusion of Gravity Effects,” paper SPE 49038 prepared for presentation at the 1998 Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition.
May, E.A., Britt, L. K., and Nolte, K.G.: “The Effect of Yield Stress on Fracture Fluid Cleanup,” paper SPE 38619 prepared for presentation at the 1997 Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition.
Willberg, D.M., Card, R.J., Britt, L.K., Samuel, M., England, K.W., Cawiezel, K.E., and Krus, H.: “Determination of the Effect Formation Water on Fracture Fluid Cleanup Through Field Testing in the East Texas Cotton Valley,” paper SPE 38620 presented at the 1997 Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition.
Pope, D., Britt, L.K., Constien, V., Anderson, A., and Leung, L.: “Field Study of Guar removal from Hydraulic Fractures,” paper SPE 31094 presented at the 1996 Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition.
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